
what are your politics?

this is a pretty fun "who's your candidate" quiz from abc news. i like the funny graphics, and it's interesting to try to pick out who said which item...



9-0-over and over

i am currently watching the tivo'd series premier of 90210.

why am i watching this? i truly have no idea.

the more intriguing question, though, is why am i liking this? i wasn't even a devoted fan of the show the first time around...


back in the saddle

after a week-long hiatus due to various distractions (work, start of school for LM, a bridal shower, labor day, a staff picnic for work), honey and i got back to our training last night. i'm happy to say that this workout went better than the last. i made it all the way through this time, which i didn't do last time.

i do have to say that last time we did a very hilly course, which was probably more challenging than i thought it was. this time we went easier on ourselves and ran in the neighborhood across the street, which is relatively flat, in comparison. same workout, different terrain. it made a big difference!

in other news, i'm really becoming a facebook addict! don't believe me? fb me!