
overactive imagination

well, tv's back, which means far less time for posting and reading and running and all the other activities i do in my free time... however, i'm going to try not to let it take over my entire evening to allow time for other things- especially running. now that my foot is feeling 90% better, i think i can get back to it.

only problem is, by the time i get done with dinner and all my evening activities, it's already dark. i really don't like being out by myself after dark... particularly near the woods, which is where the high school track is.

i know i live in a safe area, and it's unlikely that anything would happen. however, my imagination gets the better of me every time i'm there even close to twilight. i manage to work myself up and get all scared and practically run back to safety. (yes, i know the point of going running is to run, but it's not to run away in fear.)

i think it stems back to all the horror books, shows, etc. that i read and watched as a kid and a teenager, especially twin peaks. the scenes from that dense pine forest always gave me a feeling of intense dread. add to that all the stephen king books about bloodthirsty supernatural creatures living in the forests of maine and preying upon innocent suburbanites, and you begin to understand just what my imagination holds.

so no, running at night just doesn't work well for me... i need a bodyguard!


why duke sucks

this is why duke sucks!

watch the video on youtube.

send it to your friends!


it's not easy being green

if you've ever met me in person, you know that i am short.

for those of you who have never had the pleasure, let me elaborate: i'm short.

ok, not just short. very short. as in, i was always pretty much the shortest person in my grade. heck, even in my school.

for those of you who like things factual and numerical, i *just* made it to 5' before my hormones decided enough was enough, already. (yes, skeptics, i am telling the truth, you can measure a regulation badminton net by me- i'm five feet tall.)

anyway, i've always dealt with taller people making short jokes. frankly, it doesn't really bother me. what bothers me more are those who think that i would prefer the term "vertically challenged." as if i was *trying* to grow taller and just didn't quite make it. let me be perfectly clear: i have no desire to be any taller than i am. if i were tall, i wouldn't be me! if you don't like calling people short, petite would be a perfectly apt and inoffensive word to describe me. in fact, it's what i prefer. but if you're of the more blunt variety, short will definitely not offend me.

and now, to the point of this rambling... i realized this morning that among the many advantages that petiteness has to offer (and yes, there are quite a lot, oh doubters), there is one that i had completely missed:

short people are more eco-friendly!

how is that, you ask?

let me elaborate:

point one: short people are more apt to buy smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. (no, i haven't done a study, but what do studies really prove, anyway?) we fit better in smaller cars; we can see better over the dash, hood, etc. so, we're helping to save the environment by conserving natural resources.

point two: short people are comfortable in smaller living spaces, which also use less natural resources for heating, cooling, etc.

point three: clothing for small people uses less fabric than clothing for big people (is my point coming clear yet?).

point four: short people consume less and emit less waste (well, normally, anyway), thus conserving food and packaging resources and limiting sewage. i thought about this one for a while, debating its validity. i decided that a good test would be to observe my cats. does the smallest cat consume the least? yes! and, not coincidentally, i'm sure, the smallest cat emits the least waste! (come on, don't make me say the "p-o-o-p" word).

i can come up with more if you need me to... try me!

so, all you tall people out there who love to make fun of the petite population, take that!

you may be taller, but i'm greener!

nearly normal foot

i have many things to post about today, but i'll be merciful and separate them into multiple entries so your eyes don't get tired.

aren't i just the nicest? (and can i just pause here to ask why it isn't "amn't i?" you don't say "i are nice," you say "i am nice.")

anyway, update 1, my foot was feeling better enough today to wear REAL shoes! and not just any real shoes, i might add, but my brand-new, very, cute, black-and-white houndstooth wool pumps with a 1.5" heel! (a wonderful score at off-broadway shoe wearhouse- yahoo!!!)

update 2 is something i keep forgetting to post about: sprint strikes out again. the second time my phone went dead in a 2 week period, and had to be taken back to the sprint store, i missed another important phone call!

this time it was the globe calling to tell me that they were playing my perfect playlist! so not only did i miss my chance to be in an insane contest to see the police, i also missed 5 of my favorite songs being played on the air AND getting credit for picking that combination of songs!!!!!!!! i got the voicemail message from cerphe (the afternoon dj) the day AFTER they played my playlist.

sprint: you suck!


who does that?

here's a question for you: who are the spammers, anyway?

we spend innumerable hours installing software, flagging messages as spam so our service providers and heuristics software can identify future spam messages; spend countless dollars hiring IT people to secure our computer systems, install anti-spam and anti-spyware programs. we complain about spam, and spammers, when we talk to our friends and co-workers. we devote so much energy to avoiding these internet harpies. but who are they?

do you know any spammers? i don't.
they don't wear nametags. they don't introduce themselves at parties... can you imagine?

"nice to meet you sam. so, what do you do for a living?"
"well, i'm a spammer."

how do they respond to that question? "i propogate electronic advertisements and collect contact information from potential customers."

do they dare show their faces in public? or do they sit at their computers all day long, cackling and mouse-clicking maniacally, "send, send, send!!! cialis for everyone! muahahahaha!!"

really. i want to know. who just wakes up one day and decides to be a spammer? i'm intrigued by the personality that would choose annoying millions of unsuspecting emailers as a pastime. personally, i like to think that my work and hobbies are appreciated by others. or, at least, not driving others insane.


weekend update, or: how this is going to hamper my running career

i wasn't planning on posting today, but it seems life loves to surprise, and here i am! where to begin?

well, let's start with the weekend. holiday weekend, and a busy one, at that. it started with wednesday, when i had to make sure to get home on time so that we could get through our whole routine in time to get LM packed for his trip. he was headed off to illinois for his aunt's wedding the very next day, and we had to have everything ready on wednesday night.

everything went smoothly at work; i got to daycare right on time; he got ready quickly, and everything was hunky-dory until we got home. LM opened his backpack to discover that his bag had accidentally been switched with another student's. when i got to the daycare i noticed a tall woman holding a bag just like LM's, who was obviously waiting for her child to get ready. i didn't think anything of it, since we purchased LM's backpack at target and i'm sure hundreds of other kids in the county have exactly the same one. i guess i should have thought a bit more, because this woman apparently just picked up the bag and didn't check to make sure it was her daughter's.

luckily, the girl's name was on her binder, and we were able to call the daycare before they closed and find out the family's phone number so we could exchange packs. it took about 45 minutes for them to call us back, but they did, and we were able to make the exchange. so LM did get his assignments done, we did get him packed, and everything worked out OK (if a little more hurried and hectic than it should have been).

fast forward now to thursday. it's my last day of work before taking off to travel to gettysburg for the wedding of two close friends. honey had to take the day off to take LM to the airport. my work had its own usual flurry of "must complete" assignments that always occurs before i take any time off. poor honey, however, spent seven hours in the airport, as LM's first flight was cancelled and his re-booked flight was delayed. he was supposed to leave at 3:15; he ended up taking off at 7:20 or so. by the time honey got home that night, we were both so pooped that we didn't really have the motivation to do anything, even cook dinner. needless to say, if we didn't cook, we didn't pack our bags, either.

friday was basically a day of rest for us, which was very much needed. i did all the laundry and we prepared for the wedding on saturday. we had planned to drive up to gettysburg on friday and stay the night before, but with the craziness earlier in the week we changed our minds and decided that we both needed a bit of rest. we cancelled the hotel reservation and spent the day having 'adult time' and working on house projects.

now we've made it to saturday. time to get packed up and drive to gettysburg for the wedding. this was a wonderful day! we were all packed just after lunchtime, and headed up to the hotel. even with a stop for food on the way, it is a quick trip, and we made it in just over an hour. our hotel room was really nice- we shared a king suite with carne and her boyfriend, and the place had the biggest shower i've ever seen. it was 6' x 6', with four wall showerheads in addition to the overhead- very luxurious! needless to say, it made primping for the wedding all the more enjoyable.

after we were all ready for the wedding (and unfortunately running a bit late, as our friends got lost trying to find the hotel), we dashed off to the country club. we also got a bit lost on the way in - the directions were a little vague (follow the signs to the golf course). well, there were a gazillion signs all around that all seemed to point you to the golf course. the country club is located amongst a very large new development, and there are signs everywhere saying "golf course luxury condos, this way" (with the words GOLF COURSE very large and luxury condos added as a smaller afterthought). we managed to get there, though, about five minutes late. fortunately, luck was on our side again, as the wedding started just a bit late. (thank you, oh fates!)

the ceremony and reception were wonderful, heartfelt and beautiful. i felt so lucky to be able to join our friends, who have been together for nine years and known each other for much longer, as they celebrated their love and joined together as husband and wife. all of our closest friends were there, and dan and i both felt that it was one of the most touching and fun weddings we have ever attended. i've never felt so comfortable with a group of people at a wedding. both of the families were excited and happy to be joined together, and i didn't see anyone who wasn't having a great time.

one of the highlights was hearing the guys, who have all played music together as "the walk" and "continuous play" in various incarnations, play together again. one of the defining experiences of my college existence was going to see these guys play at various local bars and clubs. they are some of the most talented people i've ever met, and hearing their music again really made the night special and unique. with all our friends together, we went back to the hotel and partied long into...

sunday, when we all slept off the previous night's revelry, wished the new bride and groom well, saw them off, and then had a really delicious lunch at a little cafe in downtown gettysburg called "seasons." as the name implies, the cafe's menu changes seasonally, offering selections featuring seasonal foods. it's really wonderful, with a friendly staff who take their time preparing meals, and no hoity-toity gourment atmosphere. simply a small streetside cafe serving delicious food! i had a really nice prosciutto and melon salad with wonderfully fresh homemade bread.

then we drove home, recuperated for a few hours, vegged out to disc 1 of the fellowship of the ring, and headed back out, this time to crofton, to join the group at a housewarming party for VGJ and pig's mom, who just purchased their first condo. a laid back and relaxing evening, but very fun, and we ended up staying more than an hour later than we intended. i'm glad we did, though, because tricky was there, as were 2 good friends from pittsburgh, and we don't get many chances to hang out as a group. (yes, these friends were also at the wedding, but it's nice to see everyone as much as we can while they're here.)

and now, to monday, and the reason i'm writing this post in the first place instead of cooking dinner for honey and LM, who will be home in a couple of hours. we slept in and spent the day just relaxing and treasuring our last few hours of quiet and solitude before LM returned. love him to death, but he's a kid and he's loud. honey made plans to play basketball with the guys this afternoon before picking LM up. i would stay home, do some reading, pack LM's lunch for tomorrow, and cook dinner for the boys.

i have done three of those four things. sadly, i will not be cooking any dinner. i was preparing to make LM's lunch: gathering bread, snacks, napkin, peanut butter, and jelly, when the jelly jar suddenly sprung to life! our refrigerator's shelves (on the door) have guard bars to keep items from falling of, and they are rather deep. you have to lift things out of them. as i grabbed the huge economy-size jar of jelly, it suddenly went tumbling from my hand and landed directly on my very innocent and unsuspecting right foot. the lid had not been screwed tightly onto the jar, and the full jar, which is very heavy with all that jelly inside, just dropped away from the lid (still in my hand).

i now understand the expression "blinded with pain." i'm not a sissy about injuries. this was really, really painful! i now have a large lump about the diameter (and color) of a plum just above the point where my two middle toes meet my foot. i've been sitting with it elevated and on ice for about an hour and a half now, and while it's up it feels better, but if i lower it even by one pillow it starts to throb.

so that explains why i have time to write this post. and why i'm not cooking dinner. and why, if i can make it in to work tomorrow, i won't be walking much.