

after four long weeks of nursing my injured foot (see weekend update for details), i was finally ready to go out to the track to run yesterday. i was pumped up, i was ready, i was going to start back in and really train for real! buuut...

the track was locked! i drove over to the high school and all the gates to access the football field and track were padlocked, save for one. since i would have had to walk through the outfield of a baseball game while it was in progress just to access that gate, i thought better of it and went home.


i'm going to check in the evening to see if they're keeping it locked all the time now... that would really throw a wrench into my running plans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a lot of schools are doing that now. You may need to contact the county (or the school facilities) directly to find out the deal...