
holiday busy-ness

sorry for all the silence on the airways! it just means that the holidays have arrived and i've been running around like a madwoman trying to keep up with everything that's going on.

who said having a kid at the holidays is easy?


you know you're a mom when...

you know you're really a mom when you've said 80% of these:

"The Mom Song"

i would have found this funny before, but it's even funnier since LM came to stay.

video link courtesy of honey. :)


this is not an album review

i was listening to the radio on my way to work this morning... the globe, as usual. since they went on the air i've been mostly impressed with the djs, their music selections, and their general knowledge of and history with the music scene. they've got a good team.

what keeps me listening, though, is that i often hear new things that would never have come to my attention otherwise; today was no exception! just after 8:00 weasel was announcing the upcoming playlist and mentioned devo. i knew i had to listen. but the song that came on after the commercial break was certainly NOT devo! it had a slight "wall of sound" influence and a bluesy-rockin-gritty beat that was anything but devo. it was a male-female duet whose harmonies would make your heart break. it started with the line, "some sunny day, baby / when everything seems okay baby..." and that was all i knew.

luckily, they post the station logs online, so i was able to look it up this evening when i returned home. to my utmost surprise, it was robert plant and alison krauss, from their new collaboration cd raising sand. i have been listening to it for the last 1/2 hour online (yes, you can listen to the whole thing, online, for free! way to go plant and krauss!), and i must say i'm enthralled. i absolutely love it and must have it.

julie's christmas wish list item #1!


my perfect playlist - played!

i got a really fun, nice surprise today! the globe played my perfect playlist on the air!

for those who aren't familiar, 94.7 (the globe) has an online feature called "my perfect playlist," where you can make your own playlist and submit it to the studio. every weekday at 3:00 PM, cerphe (the afternoon dj) plays one listener's playlist. you can submit up to ten tracks- they'll play five of them.

now, my playlist has already been played once and i missed the opportunity to hear it due to my trials and tribulations with sprint over the summer. i never thought it would get played again, but i got a second chance to hear it today.

first off, they announce the name of that day's playlist creator periodically during commercial breaks, all day long. my brother heard one of the first announcements at around 8:30 this morning, and called me as i was driving to work. then, a friend at the office emailed me around a11:30 to tell me that she heard the announcement ("you're famous!").

i tuned in online to listen, and, sure enough, when 3:00 rolled around they started it up. cerphe even said that my list was "impressive!" and yes, i am reading way too much into that, but it's just very fun to have your selections played on the radio. halfway through the playlist, cerphe called me on my cell phone to get a sound bite to play on the air- he asked about the guster song i chose and talked to me about their local shows. before the last song came on, he played the sound bite, so i got to be on the radio *with* my songs! so cool!

so, you ask, what was on your perfect playlist? i'm embarrassed to admit that i can't remember all of the songs i submitted. i only know the five that they chose to play:

1) erasure - "a little respect"
2) death cab for cutie - "soul meets body"
3) the cure - "just like heaven"
4) guster - "satellite"
5) new order - "bizarre love triangle"

for me, these songs really work well together (of course, i am a britpop/indie rock freak, so that may just be my opinion), and it really made my afternoon to hear my picks on the radio!


happy halloween!

this america's next top model contestant preps for her next photo challenge. the assignment: a day at the zoo. unleash your inner animal... (updated photos may be posted later.)


the wild julie

found the link to this fun on the caffeinated librarian's blog. want to make your own? go to www.buildyourwildself.com.


happy anniversary to us!

hard to believe it's been 2 years since honey and i got married... now here we are, just an old married couple... sittin' on the couch on our anniversary.

well, it's not as pathetic as it sounds. we're going to celebrate on friday, when LM has a daycare-sponsored "kids' night out." he believes he is having all the fun by going to an amusement park with all his daycare buddies, but we parents know better! what it really translates to is another night off for us. woohoo!

cold stone creamery, here we come! (or something like that.)


ok mistr dentst

runnin' down a documentary

i'm so excited! i actually won something!

last friday i was listening to the globe on my way to work, as usual, to hear the morning's trivia question. each day at about 7:45 a.m. the globe gives away some sort of prize to a person who can correctly answer one trivia question (always related to the prize they're giving away that week).

well, last week's prize was a pair of tickets to see the d.c. premiere screening of runnin' down a dream: tom petty and the heartbreakers, the new documentary on tom petty's career. friday's question was:

"one of tom petty's biggest hits was "mary jane's last dance." in 2002 a band that we all know and love was accused of plagiarism for copying the structure of the song. what band was accused, and what song sparked the accusation?"

for most of these questions i'm pretty clueless about the answer, but this time, i knew! i figured, what the heck... i'll give it a shot! i called in while i was driving and almost couldn't believe it when the phone actually started ringing. usually with these radio contests you get a busy signal. i let it ring and ring... so long i thought for sure the operator would come on and announce that my party wasn't answering and i should hang up and try my call again.

then, just when i was about to give up, weasel answered. he asked the question again, and i answered correctly! after telling me i was right, he asked me the routine questions: what's my name, where am i calling from, am i a fan of tom petty, etc. he then took down my info. so the interns could get in touch with me later.

to sum up, on monday honey and i went downtown for dinner and then went to see the movie. it was long, but really great! i never thought about how many hits the heartbreakers have had, and in general the documentary was very well-presented, humorous, and lively. four hours went by pretty quickly. in fact, i think it felt shorter than any one of the lord of the rings series!

now i'm looking forward to the second part of my prize: receiving the dvd in the mail!


halftime alternative?

you know, watching football games on tv could be a whole lot more bearable for me if i could watch the marching band at halftime!

this has been a longtime gripe of mine... why won't they show the band? we have to watch hours upon hours of huddles, plays that gain meager yardage, missed field goals, sideline interviews, and flags on plays. what about the halftime flags? you know, those wonderful ladies who add color and interest to the marching band?

i would find all of this more fun and worthwhile if i was just rewarded with the ability to watch a whole halftime show. especially if it's a game with one of the big southern schools with a good band... that music brings back memories of high school for me, and i love to see the drill, watch the pictures change on the field, admire how each person makes up a little part of the big picture with precise movements...

when i see a band on the field i can almost smell the crisp fall air and feel the cozy warmth of the early october sun. ahh, the memories!

so, major networks, please hear me: show me the marching band!


no more bouncy rubber track?

i checked back on tuesday evening and the track was locked again. guess i'm going to have to come up with "plan b."



after four long weeks of nursing my injured foot (see weekend update for details), i was finally ready to go out to the track to run yesterday. i was pumped up, i was ready, i was going to start back in and really train for real! buuut...

the track was locked! i drove over to the high school and all the gates to access the football field and track were padlocked, save for one. since i would have had to walk through the outfield of a baseball game while it was in progress just to access that gate, i thought better of it and went home.


i'm going to check in the evening to see if they're keeping it locked all the time now... that would really throw a wrench into my running plans!


overactive imagination

well, tv's back, which means far less time for posting and reading and running and all the other activities i do in my free time... however, i'm going to try not to let it take over my entire evening to allow time for other things- especially running. now that my foot is feeling 90% better, i think i can get back to it.

only problem is, by the time i get done with dinner and all my evening activities, it's already dark. i really don't like being out by myself after dark... particularly near the woods, which is where the high school track is.

i know i live in a safe area, and it's unlikely that anything would happen. however, my imagination gets the better of me every time i'm there even close to twilight. i manage to work myself up and get all scared and practically run back to safety. (yes, i know the point of going running is to run, but it's not to run away in fear.)

i think it stems back to all the horror books, shows, etc. that i read and watched as a kid and a teenager, especially twin peaks. the scenes from that dense pine forest always gave me a feeling of intense dread. add to that all the stephen king books about bloodthirsty supernatural creatures living in the forests of maine and preying upon innocent suburbanites, and you begin to understand just what my imagination holds.

so no, running at night just doesn't work well for me... i need a bodyguard!


why duke sucks

this is why duke sucks!

watch the video on youtube.

send it to your friends!


it's not easy being green

if you've ever met me in person, you know that i am short.

for those of you who have never had the pleasure, let me elaborate: i'm short.

ok, not just short. very short. as in, i was always pretty much the shortest person in my grade. heck, even in my school.

for those of you who like things factual and numerical, i *just* made it to 5' before my hormones decided enough was enough, already. (yes, skeptics, i am telling the truth, you can measure a regulation badminton net by me- i'm five feet tall.)

anyway, i've always dealt with taller people making short jokes. frankly, it doesn't really bother me. what bothers me more are those who think that i would prefer the term "vertically challenged." as if i was *trying* to grow taller and just didn't quite make it. let me be perfectly clear: i have no desire to be any taller than i am. if i were tall, i wouldn't be me! if you don't like calling people short, petite would be a perfectly apt and inoffensive word to describe me. in fact, it's what i prefer. but if you're of the more blunt variety, short will definitely not offend me.

and now, to the point of this rambling... i realized this morning that among the many advantages that petiteness has to offer (and yes, there are quite a lot, oh doubters), there is one that i had completely missed:

short people are more eco-friendly!

how is that, you ask?

let me elaborate:

point one: short people are more apt to buy smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. (no, i haven't done a study, but what do studies really prove, anyway?) we fit better in smaller cars; we can see better over the dash, hood, etc. so, we're helping to save the environment by conserving natural resources.

point two: short people are comfortable in smaller living spaces, which also use less natural resources for heating, cooling, etc.

point three: clothing for small people uses less fabric than clothing for big people (is my point coming clear yet?).

point four: short people consume less and emit less waste (well, normally, anyway), thus conserving food and packaging resources and limiting sewage. i thought about this one for a while, debating its validity. i decided that a good test would be to observe my cats. does the smallest cat consume the least? yes! and, not coincidentally, i'm sure, the smallest cat emits the least waste! (come on, don't make me say the "p-o-o-p" word).

i can come up with more if you need me to... try me!

so, all you tall people out there who love to make fun of the petite population, take that!

you may be taller, but i'm greener!

nearly normal foot

i have many things to post about today, but i'll be merciful and separate them into multiple entries so your eyes don't get tired.

aren't i just the nicest? (and can i just pause here to ask why it isn't "amn't i?" you don't say "i are nice," you say "i am nice.")

anyway, update 1, my foot was feeling better enough today to wear REAL shoes! and not just any real shoes, i might add, but my brand-new, very, cute, black-and-white houndstooth wool pumps with a 1.5" heel! (a wonderful score at off-broadway shoe wearhouse- yahoo!!!)

update 2 is something i keep forgetting to post about: sprint strikes out again. the second time my phone went dead in a 2 week period, and had to be taken back to the sprint store, i missed another important phone call!

this time it was the globe calling to tell me that they were playing my perfect playlist! so not only did i miss my chance to be in an insane contest to see the police, i also missed 5 of my favorite songs being played on the air AND getting credit for picking that combination of songs!!!!!!!! i got the voicemail message from cerphe (the afternoon dj) the day AFTER they played my playlist.

sprint: you suck!


who does that?

here's a question for you: who are the spammers, anyway?

we spend innumerable hours installing software, flagging messages as spam so our service providers and heuristics software can identify future spam messages; spend countless dollars hiring IT people to secure our computer systems, install anti-spam and anti-spyware programs. we complain about spam, and spammers, when we talk to our friends and co-workers. we devote so much energy to avoiding these internet harpies. but who are they?

do you know any spammers? i don't.
they don't wear nametags. they don't introduce themselves at parties... can you imagine?

"nice to meet you sam. so, what do you do for a living?"
"well, i'm a spammer."

how do they respond to that question? "i propogate electronic advertisements and collect contact information from potential customers."

do they dare show their faces in public? or do they sit at their computers all day long, cackling and mouse-clicking maniacally, "send, send, send!!! cialis for everyone! muahahahaha!!"

really. i want to know. who just wakes up one day and decides to be a spammer? i'm intrigued by the personality that would choose annoying millions of unsuspecting emailers as a pastime. personally, i like to think that my work and hobbies are appreciated by others. or, at least, not driving others insane.


weekend update, or: how this is going to hamper my running career

i wasn't planning on posting today, but it seems life loves to surprise, and here i am! where to begin?

well, let's start with the weekend. holiday weekend, and a busy one, at that. it started with wednesday, when i had to make sure to get home on time so that we could get through our whole routine in time to get LM packed for his trip. he was headed off to illinois for his aunt's wedding the very next day, and we had to have everything ready on wednesday night.

everything went smoothly at work; i got to daycare right on time; he got ready quickly, and everything was hunky-dory until we got home. LM opened his backpack to discover that his bag had accidentally been switched with another student's. when i got to the daycare i noticed a tall woman holding a bag just like LM's, who was obviously waiting for her child to get ready. i didn't think anything of it, since we purchased LM's backpack at target and i'm sure hundreds of other kids in the county have exactly the same one. i guess i should have thought a bit more, because this woman apparently just picked up the bag and didn't check to make sure it was her daughter's.

luckily, the girl's name was on her binder, and we were able to call the daycare before they closed and find out the family's phone number so we could exchange packs. it took about 45 minutes for them to call us back, but they did, and we were able to make the exchange. so LM did get his assignments done, we did get him packed, and everything worked out OK (if a little more hurried and hectic than it should have been).

fast forward now to thursday. it's my last day of work before taking off to travel to gettysburg for the wedding of two close friends. honey had to take the day off to take LM to the airport. my work had its own usual flurry of "must complete" assignments that always occurs before i take any time off. poor honey, however, spent seven hours in the airport, as LM's first flight was cancelled and his re-booked flight was delayed. he was supposed to leave at 3:15; he ended up taking off at 7:20 or so. by the time honey got home that night, we were both so pooped that we didn't really have the motivation to do anything, even cook dinner. needless to say, if we didn't cook, we didn't pack our bags, either.

friday was basically a day of rest for us, which was very much needed. i did all the laundry and we prepared for the wedding on saturday. we had planned to drive up to gettysburg on friday and stay the night before, but with the craziness earlier in the week we changed our minds and decided that we both needed a bit of rest. we cancelled the hotel reservation and spent the day having 'adult time' and working on house projects.

now we've made it to saturday. time to get packed up and drive to gettysburg for the wedding. this was a wonderful day! we were all packed just after lunchtime, and headed up to the hotel. even with a stop for food on the way, it is a quick trip, and we made it in just over an hour. our hotel room was really nice- we shared a king suite with carne and her boyfriend, and the place had the biggest shower i've ever seen. it was 6' x 6', with four wall showerheads in addition to the overhead- very luxurious! needless to say, it made primping for the wedding all the more enjoyable.

after we were all ready for the wedding (and unfortunately running a bit late, as our friends got lost trying to find the hotel), we dashed off to the country club. we also got a bit lost on the way in - the directions were a little vague (follow the signs to the golf course). well, there were a gazillion signs all around that all seemed to point you to the golf course. the country club is located amongst a very large new development, and there are signs everywhere saying "golf course luxury condos, this way" (with the words GOLF COURSE very large and luxury condos added as a smaller afterthought). we managed to get there, though, about five minutes late. fortunately, luck was on our side again, as the wedding started just a bit late. (thank you, oh fates!)

the ceremony and reception were wonderful, heartfelt and beautiful. i felt so lucky to be able to join our friends, who have been together for nine years and known each other for much longer, as they celebrated their love and joined together as husband and wife. all of our closest friends were there, and dan and i both felt that it was one of the most touching and fun weddings we have ever attended. i've never felt so comfortable with a group of people at a wedding. both of the families were excited and happy to be joined together, and i didn't see anyone who wasn't having a great time.

one of the highlights was hearing the guys, who have all played music together as "the walk" and "continuous play" in various incarnations, play together again. one of the defining experiences of my college existence was going to see these guys play at various local bars and clubs. they are some of the most talented people i've ever met, and hearing their music again really made the night special and unique. with all our friends together, we went back to the hotel and partied long into...

sunday, when we all slept off the previous night's revelry, wished the new bride and groom well, saw them off, and then had a really delicious lunch at a little cafe in downtown gettysburg called "seasons." as the name implies, the cafe's menu changes seasonally, offering selections featuring seasonal foods. it's really wonderful, with a friendly staff who take their time preparing meals, and no hoity-toity gourment atmosphere. simply a small streetside cafe serving delicious food! i had a really nice prosciutto and melon salad with wonderfully fresh homemade bread.

then we drove home, recuperated for a few hours, vegged out to disc 1 of the fellowship of the ring, and headed back out, this time to crofton, to join the group at a housewarming party for VGJ and pig's mom, who just purchased their first condo. a laid back and relaxing evening, but very fun, and we ended up staying more than an hour later than we intended. i'm glad we did, though, because tricky was there, as were 2 good friends from pittsburgh, and we don't get many chances to hang out as a group. (yes, these friends were also at the wedding, but it's nice to see everyone as much as we can while they're here.)

and now, to monday, and the reason i'm writing this post in the first place instead of cooking dinner for honey and LM, who will be home in a couple of hours. we slept in and spent the day just relaxing and treasuring our last few hours of quiet and solitude before LM returned. love him to death, but he's a kid and he's loud. honey made plans to play basketball with the guys this afternoon before picking LM up. i would stay home, do some reading, pack LM's lunch for tomorrow, and cook dinner for the boys.

i have done three of those four things. sadly, i will not be cooking any dinner. i was preparing to make LM's lunch: gathering bread, snacks, napkin, peanut butter, and jelly, when the jelly jar suddenly sprung to life! our refrigerator's shelves (on the door) have guard bars to keep items from falling of, and they are rather deep. you have to lift things out of them. as i grabbed the huge economy-size jar of jelly, it suddenly went tumbling from my hand and landed directly on my very innocent and unsuspecting right foot. the lid had not been screwed tightly onto the jar, and the full jar, which is very heavy with all that jelly inside, just dropped away from the lid (still in my hand).

i now understand the expression "blinded with pain." i'm not a sissy about injuries. this was really, really painful! i now have a large lump about the diameter (and color) of a plum just above the point where my two middle toes meet my foot. i've been sitting with it elevated and on ice for about an hour and a half now, and while it's up it feels better, but if i lower it even by one pillow it starts to throb.

so that explains why i have time to write this post. and why i'm not cooking dinner. and why, if i can make it in to work tomorrow, i won't be walking much.


missed it by that much

i was recently asked to be in one of those crazy radio contests. you know the kind: they're giving away this really amazing car, but to get it you have to stand with your hand on the car for as long as possible to prove that you're the most worthy of winning the car.

i always thought that radio stations had some prequalified list of nutjobs out there who are willing to give up their precious time to stand with their hand on a car. come to find out that if the prize is good enough, regular citizens like me will actually be crazy enough to sign up for something like this! yes, the candidate pool really does come from that large anonymous crowd of average joes (or josies).

now i know you're asking yourself, "self, what prize could be so good that julie would actually sign up to do anything so weird?" ok... the details:

my favorite station, 94.7, was holding a contest to win two tickets to see the police in atlantic city and spend the night at the borgata. the police... their own show... atlantic city... the borgata... just me and honey... you get the point.

the deal was that you had to be willing to sit at mattress discounters with your hand on a mattress and outlast the competition. the last one with his/her hand on the mattress would win the tickets and the hotel room (and, i'm assuming, the mattress.) i was on the 94.7 website, and, as a lark, i signed up to be entered into the pool of potential contestants. this is definitely worth the pain and boredom.

i never win anything, so i didn't give it another thought. fast forward to last week, when my phone came back from the sprint store after being out of commission for a week (that's an entirely different story). i charged it up and saw that i had a voicemail. it was the promotions guy from the radio station calling to see if i wanted to take part in the contest!!!!! woah!!! unfortunately, the message was a week old! he called the day after my cell phone died, and i didn't know about it until the following week!

aaauuuggghhh! i called back immediately and left him a message saying i was interested. i'm sure by that time they had already written me off as a no-go and filled their contestant pool, because the contest was last weekend and they never called me back beforehand.

bummer. i could have won!


true colors shining through

i took the "true colors" quiz for the first time today. strangely enough, despite my love of quizzes and personality tests, i had never seen this one before. anyway, for those who aren't familiar, it's similar to the myers-briggs personality test in that it divides the personalities into four groups. however, it's a much simpler format. you're either an orange, a gold, a blue, or a green. it gives you your total score for each, and some people can be a balance of all four. i'm primarily a green, with a score of 12, blue came in a close second at 11, gold followed at 7, and then orange at 6.

what this supposedly says about me as a green is:

"I am conceptual. I have an investigative mind, intrigued by questions like, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I am an independent thinker, a natural nonconformist, and live life by my own standards.

I like to do things that require vision, problem solving, strategy, ingenuity, design, and change. Once I have perfected an idea, I prefer to move on to a new challenge.

I value knowledge, intelligence, insight, and justice. I enjoy relationships with shared interests. I prefer to let my head rule my heart. I am cool, calm, and collected. I do not express my emotions easily."

i do relate to the green description (and the blue too, although i won't post it here), but i feel that my inner orange has been underrepresented. i really enjoy being with others and doing things, and i thrive in a party situation. i love to be the hostess with the mostest!

perhaps my results lean heavily away from orange because i'm taking this quiz from the perspective of a mother? i feel like i'm a very different person when i have to set an example for my child, as opposed to who i am when no one else's well-being depends directly upon my actions. when i know it's not hurting anyone else, i love to let go and just be carefree... but when i know there's a little one depending on me, i have to judge each of my actions carefully. i guess that's where my "cool, calm, and collected" green leanings come in handy. i can think of my tasks intellectually and determine what needs to be done instead of acting first and thinking later.

go figure... being a parent really does change things.

can i go back to college now? where's the keg? who lost the twister spinner? anyone know how to make a woo-woo?


i would be REALLY good at this game!

a friend at the office emailed me about this youtube video...
my first thought was to brace myself to keep from falling out of my chair.
my second thought was that i would be REALLY, REALLY GOOD at this game!

seriously, can you think of anything i could be better at? this is totally for me!



what's going on

sorry, folks! it's been a while since i've last posted... i've been spending most of my spare time trying to race through harry potter and the order of the phoenix (reading aloud to my stepson) so that we can go see the movie on friday.

we're not too far from the end now. two more nights of reading should do it. i wish i could read for longer at a stretch, but reading out loud for too long makes my throat hurt! i guess it might help if i didn't try to do the voices, but liam has a lot of fun with those.

hagrid is particularly tough, but fun. harry, hermione, and ron end up sounding a lot like the movie actors. my favorite, so far, has been umbridge. i just love doing a sickeningly sweet, breathy voice that evokes a girlish mask for evil! i'll be interested to see (hear) how she is portrayed in the movie. from the stills i've seen, she doesn't look a whole lot like rowling's description of the character, but perhaps her voice will be like the one in my imagination.

other than pottering, i've been reading watership down (to myself, not aloud) because that was what the bluepyramid.com book quiz told me i am, and i've never read it! i've also been planning a small fete for saturday night, running a bit, and taking care of all the usual errands. oh, and working. can't forget that one.

after the harry potter bum rush is over, i'll probably post more often. i'll also work on my other blog- a creative piece... it's an experiment for now, but i have good feelings for it.

oh, and i want to do some posts about my four cats, because they are fun and interesting!

yes, there are four, and yes, we are a crazy cat family. you got a problem with that?



i love nothing more than a large group dance scene!
set it in a prison and it's even better...
make the scene a re-enactment of an '80s smash and you're nearing perfection...
throw in a very ugly inmate dressed in drag and you've just won the blue ribbon:



saving the best for last

i stayed up waaaaay too late last night to finish deathly hallows... it was just too good to put down! i'll suffer today at work, but it was well worth it!

my kudos to j.k. rowling. deathly hallows is by far my favorite book of the entire series. i'm really looking forward to reading it again when liam and i get to that point in our bedtime story series!



nearly 300 pages into deathly hallows as of 7:30 this morning... can't wait to read more at lunch!

i know i'm not as fast as some other readers out there, so don't tell me anything!

i should probably finish at least 200 more today if i don't go running...


fun book quiz

i took the book quiz... thanks, mommywrites!

You're Watership Down!

by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.


no more pounding the pavement

so i'm trying to start running again. the new high school down the street has a bouncy, fresh rubber track that's barely a year old. this is much more comfortable for running than the streets in my neighborhood. we'll see how it works out... i'm trying to make this a habit and not let it fall by the wayside like so many of my other plans for exercise.

achievement #1: i've gone running three times so far, and last night i took 35 seconds off my mile time! woohoo!


you control the radio

i've sent in my playlist... have you? (click on the "my perfect playlist" link)


lost eternal

it's going to be a long time before lost comes back ... what am i going to do with myself until then? i know! drive myself (and possibly some friends at work) crazy with lost theories that can't be proven until next season!

here's the one i've been toying with since the end of last season: the natives of the island are immortal. ben believes that the island is the key to immortality, and that he can somehow learn its secrets, become immortal, and rejoin his dead mother, who has seemingly reappeared on the island.

now, there could be some evidence out there that disproves this theory. i'm not an avid follower of the writers'/producers' interviews, so they may have already stated that immortality is not the key to the show. however, here are the pieces of evidence that i present:

1. richard alpert has not seemed to age since ben first met him, even though ben is obviously twenty to thirty years older than shown at their first meeting. why is this? he's immortal.

2. mikhail is unkillable. he keeps coming back from seemingly mortal wounds. how can this happen? he's immortal.

3. no babies conceived on the island have ever survived. every non-native of the island who has gotten pregnant on-island has died, and so have their babies. this is because a baby born on the island would have to be immortal, and how could mortal parents give birth to an immortal baby? the question this raises: is aaron immortal, or does he disprove my theory? perhaps claire's ex-boyfriend, aaron's father, was really a native islander? we don't know much about him...

4. ben brought juliet to the island because she produced a miracle baby for her sister. perhaps he believed she could produce the same miracle on the island, creating immortal children.

to flesh out a bit more: perhaps ben's mother was really a native islander who left the island, fell in love with ben's father, and conceived ben. she was unable to have a baby off-island because she was immortal; however, her baby could live. her death was really not a death- she was somehow drawn back to the island (her soul, perhaps). ben sees her on the island because she comes to him, wanting to see her son, but he cannot join her because he is not immortal, having been born off-island.

we have already seen that ben's father drinks heavily and is emotionally abusive to the child ben. this scars ben and he obsesses over what life would have been like if his mother had lived. essentially driven crazy, he desires to take over the dharma project's research and turn it towards his own purposes: researching immortality.

he colludes with the 'hostiles,' who are really native islanders and probably do not want the dharma project to discover their true nature, to kill off the non-cooperative dharma researchers and be allowed to continue his own research. the natives allow him this freedom only on the condition that he agrees to help them keep the island secret- jamming communications between the island and the outside world and allowing no one who arrives on the island to leave. only those who ben and the natives trust may leave to further ben's plans.

thus, anyone who tries to leave the island without permission is a threat to ben, for he will incur the wrath of the natives if the island is discovered.

feel free to comment (but please don't tell me i'm a crackpot- i'm just having fun)!

the owls are not what they seem

www.lynchnet.com and www.tvshowsondvd.com are reporting that what i have been waiting for will finally arrive in october 30: twin peaks seasons 1 and 2, plus pilot, will be released on dvd!!! the twin peaks definitive gold box edition!!! if you want to buy me a present, that would be my number one choice.

added a link to the twin peaks 'official site.' although it hasn't been updated in a long time (read: years), it still has some interesting tidbits. i'm hoping the creators will update it soon, what with all the hype over the gold box edition release.


interesting/fun links

well, i'm not much of a surfer, but i've put up a few links that i find interesting/fun (look right). check them out!

you probably already know the onion, but if you haven't been there in a while, it's still worth it. the page may have gotten more cluttered, but the content's still funny.

94.7-the globe. it's been my recent radio salvation! not since the late '80s and early '90s (say 1989-1994, for me) have a had a radio station i've truly loved. these guys have got it right- a flexible playlist not dictated by the pop/alternative charts, classic dj's, and a worthwhile cause.

finally, a link to my friend patrick's website. he's a very talented musician who made the decision a couple of years ago to move to LA. he's out there submitting music to movies, etc. check out his stuff- it's great, and yes, that is him playing most/all of the instruments!


inaugural post

hello to the world of blogging! discovering an old friend's blog inspired me to create my own. let's see how it works for me.